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This video talks about researchers are trying to find out why weight gain can make some people develop metabolic diseases.

Dr. Samuel Klein, Director of Washington University center of Human Nutrition, wanted to test why those who gain weight develop diabetes when others do not. He goes on to say that results one gets from animals cannot be assumed for humans. This is the reason why he wanted volunteers to help him see the correlation.

Five restaurants were chosen for this study, one of them being Mcdonalds because on the menu it shows the exact calorie intake one will consume.

Along with the double intake of food the volunteers were subjected too, there was a incentive of up to 3500 dollars, depending on how long it took for one to gain weight.

One of the people who participated in this, said the first two weeks were just fine but afterwards she started to feel awful. She goes on to say that she suffered with breathing problems.

My thoughts on this experiment is that it’s very dangerous. I say this because if one of the participants gets diabetes from this study, like that’s something for life. Are the researchers going to help pay their medical expenses? They have said nothing about what would happen if they get diabetes. I think it’s also careless of the researchers to do it in this way. I understand that they are volunteers, but I don’t think this experiment sinks in right away until they start to feel sick. All they think about is the fact that they can eat their favorite fast food and get paid.

It’s just interesting to see what people would do for money.